Legislative Action Center

Welcome to the NLBMDA Legislative Action Center, where you can send messages on top policy priorities to policymakers, find your legislators, and see how lawmakers vote on legislation affecting the lumber and building material industry. Voice your support for your industry!

Take Action

NLBMDA encourages its members to play a role in the legislative interests of the lumber and building materials industry. Click on the links below to access our Action Alerts for ways to connect with your legislators on the industry priorities.

Recent Campaigns

Accelerate Long-term Investment
Growth Now (ALIGN) Act
Credit Card Competition Act of 2023
The Death Tax Repeal Act of 2023
Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act
The Root & Stem Project Authorization Act of 2023

Affordable Housing

Affordable housing Credit improvement act
Support the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act

Trucking Reform Issues



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